Dr. Marion Munk reviews the Phase 3 clinical trial of high-dose aflibercept (8 mg) in neovascular AMD, emphasizing how this new therapy could alleviate the treatment burden for patients while providing superior outcomes.
Opthea phase 3 clinical trial, COAST, in patients with wet age-related macular degeneration fails to meet primary endpoint
Aflibercept treat-and-extend regimen for neovascular AMD: 5-year outcomes
The future of retina: New targets and more durable solutions
4DMT enrolls first patient in phase 3 4FRONT-1 evaluating 4D-150 for the treatment of wet AMD
Data from Phase 1/2a clinical trial evaluating RPESC-RPE-4W presented at 77th Annual Wills Eye Conference
PER launches Retina Resource, a comprehensive anti-VEGF education and information tool