COPHy 2024: Facing the controversies in ophthalmology face-to-face


The 2024 15th annual Controversies in Ophthalmology Congress will convene March 15 and 16 in Athens, Greece.

(Image credit: AdobeStock/milosk50)

(Image credit: AdobeStock/milosk50)

The 2024 15th annual Controversies in Ophthalmology Congress will convene March 15 and 16 in Athens. The venue is the Divani Caravel Hotel, 2 Vassileos Alexandrou Ave., Athens.

The core of the Congress is focused on controversial issues in Ophthalmology, according to Congress co-chairs Anat Loewenstein, MD, and Barry Kuppermann, MD.

“Leading world experts will present 2 opposing approaches to controversial issues. Each topic presented will be followed by a live discussion of ophthalmologists experienced in the area being discussed,” they explained in their welcome letter to ophthalmologists.

With time built in for speaker-audience discussion, the Congress aims at reaching up-to-date recommendations to ongoing debates even when data remain limited, through evidence-based medicine, including expert opinion.

Clinicians can register for the Congress using the link:

March 15: Day 1 program

The following topics and their corresponding controversies will be covered on day 1 of the Congress:

Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, MD, will deliver the Keynote Lecture entitled “How good are we really without Artificial Intelligence tools” during the Big Controversies in Retina in 2024 segment of the program.


  • Debate 1: Is AI ready to replace physicians?
  • Debate 2: Intraocular inflammation is a major risk factor which should impede us from using anticomplement agents for geographic atrophy

MEDICAL RETINA 1: Neovascular (“Wet”) AMD Management

  • Debate 1: New generation molecules as first-line treatment in neovascular AMD
  • Debate 2: We are already in the era of personalized treatment strategies
  • Debate 3: Durability associated with multi target therapies is superior to anti-VEGF mono-target therapy in AMD


  • Debate 1: SLT – first-line or second-line?
  • Debate 2: IOP assessment – Are Diurnal measurements better than alternatives, eg, Water Drinking Test?
  • Debate 3: NTG – Is this a separate disease from POAG?

SURGICAL RETINA 1: Controversial Approaches to Common Surgical Questions

  • Debate 1: Vitrectomy is safe and effective in the management of visually significant floaters (myodesopsia)
  • Debate 2: In epiretinal membrane (ERM) surgery, removal of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) is essential to improve vision and limit recurrences
  • Debate 3: Treatment of recurrent macular hole should include the use of a free ILM flap or other intraoperative surgical adjuvants


  • Debate 1: MIGS - first-line or second-line?
  • Debate 2: MIGS – Should all devices have corneal endothelial cell counts?
  • Debate 3: Neuroprotection – can we really measure it in glaucoma?

VISION ACADEMY IN RETINA 2024: Artificial Intelligence in Retinal Disease Management: Evolution or Revolution?

  • AI in retinal disease screening and diagnosis – introduction to current and future options
  • AI in retinal disease management –introduction to current and future options


The ComtecMed VOD platform is an innovation available to give Congress attendees unparalleled accessto lectures and debates. With lectures and debates taking place in parallel sessions, this solves the problem of trying to be everywhere at once. Accessing the VOD platform will allow physicians to catch up on or recap program highlights by facilitating the viewing view pre-recorded lectures and/or sessions at the view’s convenience.

CoPHY VOD can be launched on the Congress home page:

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