What to expect from Clinical Trials at the Summit 2024


Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA, shares what attendees and the retina community can expect from the Clinical Trials at the Summit meeting being held in Park City, Utah on June 8, 2024.

Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA, shares what attendees and the retina community can expect from the Clinical Trials at the Summit meeting being held in Park City, Utah on June 8, 2024.

This one day meeting has both an in-person and virtual component and will cover new data, provide panel discussions on key topics in the retina field, and look forward to the future of retina treatment and care both in the US and internationally.

Video Transcript:

Editor's note: The below transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

Sydney M. Crago:

Hi. I'm Sydney Crago, editor of Modern Retina, and I'm here with Dr. Arshad Khanani to talk about clinical trials for Summit. Dr. Khanani?

Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA:

Hi, I am a Arshad Khanani, Director of Clinical Research at Sierra Eye Associates and also program committee co-chair for this year's, CTS 2024, with my great colleagues, Dr. Jeff Heier as well as [Dr.] Peter Kaiser.

Sydney M. Crago:

Great! Can you tell us a little bit about what this meeting will entail?

Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA:

Absolutely. So as you know, CTS was started in 2021, and the goal of this meeting is to bring all stakeholders together that are involved in development of new drugs and treatment options for our patients. So we have, you know, that retina KOLs that are international and national, we have industry executives, we have investors, we have everybody that is involved in development of new drugs coming together in Park City on June 8 of this year. We have access for everybody else to watch this meeting virtually. And I'm really excited about this meeting, because it's an open forum about discussion about the latest developments in retina, the upcoming treatments, the regulatory guidance, real-world experience with the new drugs. So it's a long day, but it covers a lot of interesting topics.

Sydney M. Crago:

And then what are some of the presentations you're most looking forward to hearing about at this event?

Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA:

Yeah, there's a lot of exciting new data that is being presented at the meeting. Personally, I'm biased, because when you worked on the program, every single talk is amazing. We have a lot of panel discussions about regulatory guidance, how to use steroids, functional and imaging biomarker presentations, so, GA and challenges with current treatments, bringing new therapies to the market. But in terms of first time data presentation, we have a very packed agenda. We will have the first time results from the phase 2 trial of an oral novel diabetic macular edema drug by Resolute. This will be presented by Dr. Raj [inaudible], we have updates latest updates from the TRUCKEE study, which is you know, faricimab efficacy and safety in the real world. This will be presented by Jared Neilsen (MD). David Eichenbaum (MD), will be presenting first time real-world experience with aflibercept 8 mg. Dilsher Dhoot (MD) is presenting first time diabetic retinopathy, HELIOS study, learnings from AXPAXLI, which is a TKI, also called OTX-TKI. He's presenting that. I'm presenting the real-world experience first time data presentation of poor delivery system with the SUMMIT study, and Mike Singer (MD) actually has 2 presentations. He's talking about first time data from a systemic treatment for retinal vein occlusion developed by Annexin Pharmaceuticals and also talking about the CALM registry with fluocinolone implants. So very back agenda. In addition to these first time data, we also have new mechanism of action of offices, therapeutics, Ramanath Bhandari (MD) will be presenting data on their tripecific preclinical as well as Eluminex Biosciences. Dr. Semba will be presenting about that trispecific that is gonna hit clinic in phase 1 trial soon. So [it's] a lot to cover, and that's what I love about this meeting is very fast pace, lots of presentation, as well as lots of discussions in panels.

Sydney M. Crago:

Great. And then for anybody who's not able to attend in person, you mentioned there's a virtual component. How might someone go about finding that?

Arshad M. Khanani, MD, MA:

That's a really good point. So it's an invite only meeting, so it's restricted to the invitees in person. But it's absolutely free to register for all practicing physicians and trainees. So they can go to CTSRetina.org, that's the website. And they can register as soon as possible, because registration will close a few days before the meeting. And once they register, they're going to get a link a few days before the meeting. And there's also a meeting app where they can interact with the faculty and attendees and everybody, and then they will be able to watch the sessions that day, and hopefully have it we will try to have it available for the next several weeks after the meetings for people who miss out can still watch it. So and I also want to thank all the program committee members that we have all the meeting planners within CPI as well as you know, all the faculty members that are flying in for the meeting. Some of them are actually flying in from outside [the] US for this one day meeting. And, you know, I hope that this meeting will continue the conversation about all the excitement we have happening in our space. And it's a lot of work to put together a meeting of this, this impact and obviously couldn't do it without my meeting co-chairs, Dr. Jeff Heier as well as Peter Kaiser. And then our social media team led led by Ben Domani. So very excited to have a great team working hard to make this meeting very impactful for our audience around the world. So I look forward to seeing everybody on June 8, either in person or virtually.

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